How do I fix my 06550 Ora?

How do I fix my 06550 Ora?

To resolve this error, we can modify our TestProc procedure to declare the variable as follows: SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TestProc 2 AS 3 vnum number; 4 vAnotherNumber number; 5 BEGIN 6 vAnotherNum := 999; 7 vnum := vAnotherNum; 8 END; 9 / Procedure created.

What is ORA 06550 error?

The ORA-06550 error is a generic PL/SQL compile error: ORA-06550: line string, column. Cause: A PL/SQL compilation error has occurred. The numbers given for line and column are the location in the PL/SQL block where the error occurred.

How do I execute a procedure in PL SQL?

You can also execute a procedure from the Oracle SQL Developer using the following steps:

  1. Right-click the procedure name and choose Run… menu item.
  2. Enter a value for the in_customer_id parameter and click OK button.
  3. The following shows the result.

How do you execute a procedure in Oracle?

The CALL (PROCEDURE) statement is used to call procedures. A call to a procedure does not return any value. When a procedure with definer’s rights is called, the current default schema is set to the eponymously named schema of the definer.

What is the difference between procedure and function in PL SQL?

Basic difference between Procedure and Function. Used mainly to perform some computational process and returning the result of that process. Procedure can return zero or more values as output. Function can call with select statement , if function doesnot contain any DML statements and DDL statements..

What is the difference between function procedure and package in PL SQL?

Unlike a function, the procedure does not have any specific return type and doesn’t return single but multiple values. Package: A package, which is a schema object, is responsible for grouping PL/SQL types, subprograms and items, which are logically related.

Which is an iSQL * Plus command?

iSQL*Plus enables you to use a web browser to connect to Oracle9i and perform the same actions as you would through the command line version of SQL*Plus (known as SQL*Plus in this guide). You can use iSQL*Plus to write SQL*Plus, SQL and PL/SQL commands to: Enter, edit, run and save SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks.

Why do I get an ora-06550 error in Oracle?

Learn the cause and how to resolve the ORA-06550 error message in Oracle. When you encounter an ORA-06550 error, the following error message will appear: You tried to execute an invalid block of PLSQL code (like a stored procedure or function), but a compilation error occurred.

Which is the correct year for ora-01841?

Answer: The oerr utility notes this on the ora-01841 error: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0. Cause: Illegal year entered. Action: Input year in the specified range. On Oracle MOSC, a case is present concerning ORA-01841.

What are the bbug numbers for ora-01841?

On Oracle MOSC, a case is present concerning ORA-01841. The solution is described as follows and includes some information about ORA-01841 and a few associated bugs. The bBug numbers are 944232 and 935135. Are you trying to load NULL values in records? There is lots of good advice on this error on Google.

How do I fix my 06550 Ora? To resolve this error, we can modify our TestProc procedure to declare the variable as follows: SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TestProc 2 AS 3 vnum number; 4 vAnotherNumber number; 5 BEGIN 6 vAnotherNum := 999; 7 vnum := vAnotherNum; 8 END; 9 / Procedure created. What is…