How big do cane begonias grow?

How big do cane begonias grow?

The cane begonias are a group of Begonia cultivars. Their name derives from their tough, bamboo-like stems. They can grow up to 10 ft (3.0 m) tall, which may necessitate staking. They are often ideal as houseplants when kept under control.

Do begonias do well in pots?

Begonias prefer growing in light, rich soil with a good concentration of humus, similar to the makeup of potting soil. So it’s no surprise the plants tend to thrive in containers. Begonias planted in a pot should be spaced 4-6″ apart and with the tubers buried hollow-side up.

How do you make a cane begonias bushier?

Prune cane-like begonias to control for size and to encourage bushier growth.

  1. Pinch off the top shoots from each cane when they are about 6 inches tall.
  2. Remove old, brown canes to the ground, or if in a container, to the surface level of the soil.
  3. Cut younger canes back to about half their size or even further.

How long do potted begonias last?

No begonia has a long life span. Most only live for 2 to 3 years, even with good care.

Are begonias hard to care for?

Generally, fibrous and rhizomatous begonias make excellent houseplants while tuberous begonias can be grown as houseplants but have a harder time surviving due to the need for higher humidity and light than the other two kinds. Begonias grown indoors are especially susceptible to root rot and overwatering.

How do I make my cane begonias bloom?

Water the soil thoroughly and often enough to keep it slightly moist but not soggy. Use a dilute solution of any flowering houseplant fertilizer spring through fall or whenever the plant is actively growing. Flowering plant fertilizers are higher in phosphorous and help promote bloom.

Can you grow a cane begonia from a leaf?

Remove the leaf from the plant, leaving the leaf stem (petiole) intact. Bury just the petiole in the potting mix. Leave the flattened portion of the leaf (blade) attached and above the soil surface. Roots and a new plant will start to grow in a month or two.

What kind of light does a Begonia need?

The tuberous begonia does need some light, so if you don’t have a suitable place near a window, you can place the plant under artificial lights. Standard fluorescent lighting works well, or you can get good results by using one cool white bulb and one bulb labeled for use with plants in a two-bulb fixture.

Where to plant Begonia flowers?

Begonias grow best in a light well-drained soil. Plant them in raised beds, large pots or improve your soil. Six to eight inches of redwood mulch, oak leaf mold or other humus type of amendments dug into your soil will do wonders.

How deep to plant Begonia bulbs?

Dig shallow holes for your tuberous begonias to the depth of 1/2 to 1 inch in rows that are approximately 12 to 14 inches apart. Plant your begonia tubers with the rounded side down, and the indented side up.

Can you plant Begonia outside?

Often grown in containers indoors, begonias also can be grown outdoors during the frost-free months. If you live in a region that doesn’t experience freezing winter temperatures or frosts, keep the begonia tubers in the ground year-round. Select a planting site for your begonias in partial shade.

How big do cane begonias grow? The cane begonias are a group of Begonia cultivars. Their name derives from their tough, bamboo-like stems. They can grow up to 10 ft (3.0 m) tall, which may necessitate staking. They are often ideal as houseplants when kept under control. Do begonias do well in pots? Begonias prefer…