How bad is jaw surgery recovery?

How bad is jaw surgery recovery?

Recovery time for orthognathic surgery is six weeks. Most doctors recommend patients take two weeks off of work or school following their surgery. Complete jaw healing takes up to three months. Immediately after the surgery, you may experience postoperative symptoms such as bleeding, nausea, and swelling.

Is jaw surgery painful?

Jaw surgery is usually performed after the growth stops, which is around ages 14 to 16 years for females and 17 to 21 years for males. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so there is no pain during surgery. Patients usually experience pain after the anesthesia wears off, which can last for a few days.

How long does jaw realignment surgery take?

Routine surgery on one jaw typically takes one to two hours. Surgery that involves multiple procedures may take as long as three to five hours.

How long do you wear braces after jaw surgery?

To fully correct your bite it will take anywhere from 6 to 18 months of braces following your jaw surgery. The jaw surgery places the jaws in proper alignment with each other, and the braces will line your teeth up in this new position.

Does jaw surgery change your face?

Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic (or-thog-NATH-ik) surgery, corrects irregularities of the jaw bones and realigns the jaws and teeth to improve the way they work. Making these corrections may also improve your facial appearance.

Is corrective jaw surgery worth it?

Jaw Surgery might sound intimidating, frightening, or both. It isn’t easy to process the fact that your jaw needs to be realigned. Ultimately, overcoming the surgical aspects of orthognathic surgery is well worth the years of having a symmetric, visually appealing jawline.

What can you not do after jaw surgery?


  • No strenuous activity or heavy lifting for 3 weeks after surgery.
  • Limit exercise to walking for the first 3 weeks. Walking is encouraged.
  • You may return to light housework or daily activities during the first week.
  • No contact sports or sports involving a ball for 12 weeks.

Do you look better after jaw surgery?

Jaw surgery to correct an over-bite is often undergone to correct a “gummy smile.” The corrective surgery for this moves the jaw backwards and significantly alters the appearance of the chin, giving it a stronger, more pronounced look on the face.

How long does it take to recover from jaw surgery?

In many cases, the time required for complete recovery from jaw surgery is around three to three and a half months.

What can I expect from jaw surgery?

Correcting alignment of your jaws and teeth with jaw surgery can result in: Balanced appearance of your lower face Improved function of your teeth Health benefits from improved sleep, breathing, chewing and swallowing Improvement in speech impairments

What is the recovery time for a broken jaw?

The average healing time for a broken jaw is six weeks. If the fractured segments of the jaw are properly aligned and undisturbed during healing, the jaw should heal and be as strong as in was before the fracture occurred. Exceptions to this would be if the patient has an extremely thin jaw or does not have adequate blood supply.

When is corrective jaw surgery recommended?

Who Needs Corrective Jaw Surgery This procedure is recommended when the jaws don’t align properly , either because of natural growth, environmental influences, or trauma to the face. Corrective jaw surgery will help save teeth from abnormal wear, improve facial appearance, and allow for proper alignment so you can bite and chew comfortably.

How bad is jaw surgery recovery? Recovery time for orthognathic surgery is six weeks. Most doctors recommend patients take two weeks off of work or school following their surgery. Complete jaw healing takes up to three months. Immediately after the surgery, you may experience postoperative symptoms such as bleeding, nausea, and swelling. Is jaw surgery…