Does Far Infrared therapy work?

Does Far Infrared therapy work?

Infrared therapy is a safe and effective way to reduce pain and treat a wide array of conditions. It seems to be a safe, effective, and drug-free way for long-lasting pain relief. It also helps to heal injured body parts.

Is far infrared the same as red light therapy?

The wavelength infrared puts out is longer than the wavelength of red light, which allows infrared to penetrate more deeply into the body. The longer the wavelength, the deeper the penetration. Thus, the reason infrared provides some similar, but some completely different benefits than red light.

How long should I use an infrared lamp?

Use red or NIR therapy alone or in combination for 3-5 minutes immediately prior to exercise to precondition the muscles and prevent injury. Immediately after exercise, bathe muscles in red or NIR light for 10-20 minutes to accelerate recovery.

Is infrared lamp harmful?

In fact, studies show that most of the lamps emit optical IR-A radiations, which can cause permanent damage to the eyes even after a few seconds at too close distances, causing cataracts, corneal burns and progressive loss of transparency of the lens.

Does infrared light help lose weight?

There is little scientific evidence supporting the claims that infrared light, whether administered by lamp, laser or while in a body wrap, can help people lose weight or shape their body.

Can you go blind from infrared?

All infrared, visible or ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation can cause injury to the eye in sufficient concentrations, but this is very rare. The infrared light needs to be extremely intense to cause harm. Infrared lamps and incandescent bulbs are not powerful enough to cause such harm.

Why we should use infrared light therapy?

There are many potential benefits to using near infrared therapy: Stimulates mitochondria [9] to produce more ATP energy. May boost metabolism slightly. Stimulates the production of white blood cells. Reduces inflammation. [8] Promotes wound healing. Improves circulation. Provides short term pain relief. Rejuvenates the skin. Helps to relax muscles and therefore promote joint mobility.

What are the benefits of infrared light therapy?

One of the key health benefits of infrared therapy is improvement in cardiovascular health. Infrared light increases the production of nitric oxide, a vital signaling molecule that is important for the health of blood vessels.

How long does an infrared light therapy treatment take?

When used in conjunction with infrared light for pain relief, results can arrive in under 20 minutes . As a skin healing therapy, some improvements should be noticed in as little as 24 hours from the first treatment. If the wound is quite small and superficial, a healthy person should see quite a dramatic improvement in a short period of time.

What is the best red light therapy?

What is red light therapy? Red light therapy (RLT) is a controversial therapeutic technique that uses red low-level wavelengths of light to treat skin issues , such as wrinkles, scars, and persistent wounds, among other conditions. In the early 1990s, RLT was used by scientists to help grow plants in space.

Does Far Infrared therapy work? Infrared therapy is a safe and effective way to reduce pain and treat a wide array of conditions. It seems to be a safe, effective, and drug-free way for long-lasting pain relief. It also helps to heal injured body parts. Is far infrared the same as red light therapy? The…