Do you have to put your legal name on a resume?

Do you have to put your legal name on a resume?

Again, it depends. A resume is not a legal document, so it is acceptable to use your preferred name. Your legal name should be used for background checks, on social security documents, and on insurance forms. If you have taken steps to legally change your name, then you may use your new legal name for these purposes.

What do you put on a cover letter if you don’t know the manager’s name?

“If the hiring manager’s name is nowhere to be found and the company is unwilling to give you his or her name, you should use ‘Dear Hiring Team’ in your cover letter salutation,” she says. “By addressing your cover letter to the hiring team, you increase your chances of getting it in front of the right pair of eyes.”

Is it bad to not include a cover letter?

If you’re wondering if you should include a cover letter, the short answer is yes. You should almost always submit a cover letter, even if it is not required, but there are a few exceptions. First, let’s look at why cover letters have value.

What is the first step to an incredible cover letter?

5 Steps to Writing a Top Notch Cover LetterMake it personal. Try to avoid addressing letters to Sir/Madam/To Whom it May Concern, as it is incredibly impersonal and gives the impression that you are sending the letters out to anyone and everyone. Tell them why you want to work there. Tell them why they should hire you. Show passion. Be friendly and polite.

Do employers care about cover letters?

Well, it’s true; many employers aren’t reading cover letters anymore. Sometimes, not having a cover letter is detrimental to your chances even if the employer doesn’t read it. Of the 60% of hiring managers who admitted to not reading cover letters, half of them still thought the cover letter was necessary.

What should a cover letter say about a company?

Make sure you do all of these things.Tell Them Why, Specifically, You’re Interested in the Company. Outline What You Can Walk Through the Doors and Deliver. Tell a Story, One That’s Not on Your Resume. Address the Letter to an Actual Person Within the Company.

Do you have to put your legal name on a resume? Again, it depends. A resume is not a legal document, so it is acceptable to use your preferred name. Your legal name should be used for background checks, on social security documents, and on insurance forms. If you have taken steps to legally change…