Can you romance Ensign Temple?

Can you romance Ensign Temple?

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Temple after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, during the A Traitor Among the Chiss storyline. Romance conflict: If the player chooses to romance Kaliyo, Ensign will eventually confront the Imperial Agent about his and Kaliyo’s relationship.

Can you romance Raina Temple?

Raina Temple appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic as a companion character for the Imperial Agent class, voiced by Georgia Van Cuylenburg. Male agents can romance Temple and eventually marry her, provided they don’t choose Kaliyo Djannis instead.

Can you romance Watcher 2 Swtor?

Watcher Two, Shara Jenn, is a minor romance option but one that can be carried through the entire game. Even alien male agents can romance her, despite her vocal disdain for them when she first meets the agent. However, an alien agent cannot continue the romance further beyond Dromund Kaas.

Who built Scorpio?

Vel Jyc Boer
SCORPIO was an advanced artificial intelligence designed for heuristic self-improvement by Master Designer Vel Jyc Boer on Iokath in the years before a civil war broke on the artificial world and caused its engineers to abandon their creations in Wild Space in an attempt to save their lives.

Can you romance Kaliyo Swtor?

Kaliyo Djannis appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic as a companion character for the Imperial Agent class, voiced by Tasia Valenza. As a male Imperial Agents, player can romance and eventually marry her.

What weapon does Kaliyo use?

Wiki Targeted (Games)

Kaliyo Djannis
Species: Rattataki
Gender: Female
Planet: Hutta
Weapon(s): Blaster pistols Blaster rifles

Why is Scorpio the best car?

Rugged and reliable The Scorpio will guarantee you a peace of mind over rough terrains. The Scorpio is also a reliable SUV that can keep going on for thousands of kilometres without any major issues if the car is serviced regularly.

Can you marry Kaliyo?

What gifts does Kaliyo like?


  • Weapon: love.
  • Military Gear: like.
  • Courting: indifferent.
  • Luxury: favorite, love.
  • Technology: like.
  • Republic Memorabilia: indifferent.
  • Imperial Memorabilia: indifferent.
  • Cultural Artifact: indifferent.

Can you romance Kaliyo?

Can you romance Ensign Temple? Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Temple after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, during the A Traitor Among the Chiss storyline. Romance conflict: If the player chooses to romance Kaliyo, Ensign will eventually confront the Imperial Agent about his and Kaliyo’s relationship. Can you romance Raina…