Can Siberian cats have blue eyes?

Can Siberian cats have blue eyes?

Key Characteristics Siberians are medium to large muscular cats originating from Russia. Their eyes are mostly round and can be any color, though some Siberians have blue eyes or one eye of a different color. Any color or pattern is possible, including pointed coats.

How much is a blue Siberian cat?

Siberian cats are over four times more expensive than your run-of-the-mill shelter cat, but their $1,100 to $1,700 average price tag doesn’t compare to that of other rare breeds….More Expensive Traits.

Trait Extra Cost
Blue Eyes $100
Bi-Colored Eyes $200

How much do Siberian cats cost?

Siberian kittens typically cost between $1,200 and $4,000, depending on pedigree and age. Why the high price tag? This breed is expensive due to their high demand and the relatively low number of purebred Siberian cats outside of Russia.

What color eyes do Siberian cats have?

Their eyes vary in color from gold to green and all shades inbetween. Some have two different colored eyes, and some even have blue eyes. Siberians are a natural breed and reflect the climate in which they developed, with their very dense, medium to long, water repellent triple coat.

Can Siberian cat be left alone?

Because Siberian cats are such bold and sociable animals, they suffer when left alone for long periods. If you don’t spend much time at home, you may wish to consider a more independent breed, or adopting another pet at the same time.

Do Siberian cats scratch furniture?

Siberian cats and Siberian kittens are easily trained not to scratch furniture when provided with scratch post and pads. “No” must be established as a defined boundary, but reinforced with “here” which is simply a portable scratch pad made of cardboard and laced with catnip.

What kind of eyes does a Siberian cat have?

This type of coloring is referred to as “colorpoint” in the cat world. Its blue eyes are also a distinguishing characteristic as most traditional Siberians have green or yellow eyes. Where did the Neva Masquerade Come From?

What’s the best colour for a Siberian cat?

Siberian cats come in a wide variety of colours. Here at snowgum we focus on breeding browns, goldens and silvers and occasionally blues. Some of our kittens will be “with white” and some “high white” but most will be without white.

What are the names of the Siberian cats?

These range from pale straw colour through to a deep apricot colour. For pictures of fully grown golden Siberians please see Delta (black golden classic), Trotskiy (black golden shaded) and Penny (black golden mackerel) on the Our Siberian Cats page and then click on their pictures to see their photo galleries.

Is it possible for a Siberian cat to have kittens?

It is not a full listing of what is possible for a Siberian cat, it just lists some of the beautiful kittens we have had so far!. It is worth noting that Siberian coats can change dramatically with age, often the markings can fade and the coats get lighter in colour.

Can Siberian cats have blue eyes? Key Characteristics Siberians are medium to large muscular cats originating from Russia. Their eyes are mostly round and can be any color, though some Siberians have blue eyes or one eye of a different color. Any color or pattern is possible, including pointed coats. How much is a blue…