Why do dog trainers use German commands?

Why do dog trainers use German commands?

Dog trainers use German to train dogs to cut out confusion and selective hearing. When using a common language for commands like okay ( as a release command), your dog may get confused. Your dog may also decide that it doesn’t want to listen and pretends that it can’t hear you.

What is the German dog command for attack?

Using German dog commands to train your pet can be both effective and fun. You get to practice a foreign language and your dog may be able to pay more attention to words that are only used to address him….It’s fun!

English German
Growl Brummen (bromen)
Crawl Kriechen (Kirchen)
Attack Fass (faas)
Shake (Paw) Pfote (fote)

What are some German dog commands?

What are the German Dog Commands for Police Dogs?

  • Sit: Sitz (zitz)
  • Down: Platz (plah-tz)
  • Stay: Bleib (blibe)
  • Here/Come: Hier (hee-r)
  • Heel: Fuss (foos)
  • Fetch: Bring (pronounce like English word)
  • Let Go: Aus (ow-ss)
  • Go Out: Voraus (for-ows)

What is the German command for sit?


Sit Sitz (siitz) Assis (ah-see)
Stay Bleib (bly’b) Reste (rest)
Down Platz (plats) Coucher (coo-shay)
Come/Here Hier (hee er) Ici(e see)/ Viens

What does FUS mean in German?

German “Hundekommandos” (Dog Commands)

Fuß! foos Heel!
Sitz! sits Sit!
Platz! plahts Down!
Bleib! / Stopp! blype / shtopp Stay!

At what age do police dogs get trained?

What age does a dog begin working as a police dog? The youngest age when they become mature enough to concentrate on training well is between 12 and 15 months.

What is the German command for stay?


Sit Sitz (siitz) Zit
Stay Bleib (bly’b) Blijf
Down Platz (plats) Af/ Liggen
Come/Here Hier (hee er) Hier

What is the best method to teach your dog commands?

start walking with your left foot first as you give the “Heel”

  • “Sit” with the dog’s name.
  • Stay – Start with your dog in the sit position.
  • What are the 7 basic dog commands?

    The 7 basic dog commands with visual queues and goal of the command are as follows: Sit – (finger pointing down), goal is to have the dog sit on their rear and front legs are extended. Mat – (point to mat), goal is to have dog touching the mat. Watch me – (point at eye), goal is to have the dog looking at you.

    What are German commands for dogs?

    If you can speak German, your German shepherd dog can learn it, too. Six useful basic dog commands in German are hier (come, pronounced just like “here” in English), sitz (sit), bleib (stay, pronounced with the long i sound of “eye”), platz (down, pronounced “plots”), fuss (heel, pronounced “foos” — German for foot),…

    What are the commands for a dog?

    There are five important commands that every dog should know: sit, stay, lay down, come, and heel. These commands will help you communicate your wishes to your dog, essentially giving you a line of clear communication with your pet. If you give your dog a good training in the basic commands,…

    Why do dog trainers use German commands? Dog trainers use German to train dogs to cut out confusion and selective hearing. When using a common language for commands like okay ( as a release command), your dog may get confused. Your dog may also decide that it doesn’t want to listen and pretends that it…