Why Aquarius is the most powerful sign?

Why Aquarius is the most powerful sign?

But when it comes to intelligence, which sign has the most brains? Aquarius and Scorpio are the smartest zodiac signs, astrologists say — but for two very different reasons. Those born under the Aquarius sign have the highest levels of analytical intelligence, which is measured by cognitive ability and IQ.

What is symbol for Aquarius?


Why is Aquarius the water bearer?

Aquarius is a constellation of the Zodiac and one of the oldest documented constellations. Aquarius was recorded in the second century by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy. Its name means “cup bearer” or “water bearer” in Latin.

What’s the element for Aquarius?


Is Aquarius a Greek god?

In Greek mythology, Aquarius is sometimes associated with Deucalion, the son of Prometheus who built a ship with his wife Pyrrha to survive an imminent flood. Yet another figure associated with the water bearer is Cecrops I, a king of Athens who sacrificed water instead of wine to the gods.

What are the personality traits of an Aquarius woman?

She prefers to live on the fringes, and is always thinking outside the box. These women are often motivated by social justice and change, deeply desiring to contribute to the cultural shift, particularly in issues of poverty, world health, equal rights, and prison reform.

What are the characteristics of a female sociopath?

A female sociopath has many attributes and characteristics that can catch and hold a man’s attention for a long time. She will use her feminine wiles while “love bombing” you, or rather placing you on a pedestal. If you’re none the wiser, you will think you’ve found the perfect mate.

Can a female sociopath be an expert liar?

The female sociopath is an expert liar. I am not sure if they actually believe their lies, or if they just enjoy telling them. They will say anything just to get what they want, that’s for sure. And there is no limit as to what they will lie about either.

What makes a female sociopath a chameleon?

“Female sociopaths are chameleons,” Dr. Whatley says. Given the situation, they know which aspects of themselves to play up. For instance, if they need to come off as charming, they will. If they need to play the victim, they have no problem doing so.

Why Aquarius is the most powerful sign? But when it comes to intelligence, which sign has the most brains? Aquarius and Scorpio are the smartest zodiac signs, astrologists say — but for two very different reasons. Those born under the Aquarius sign have the highest levels of analytical intelligence, which is measured by cognitive ability…