Where is the pancreatic duct located?

Where is the pancreatic duct located?

Front View of the Pancreas The pancreas is about 6 inches long and sits across the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach. The head of the pancreas is on the right side of the abdomen and is connected to the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine) through a small tube called the pancreatic duct.

Where is the anatomical location of the pancreas?

Anatomy of the pancreas The pancreas is an elongated, tapered organ located across the back of the belly, behind the stomach. The right side of the organ—called the head—is the widest part of the organ and lies in the curve of the duodenum, the first division of the small intestine.

What is the main pancreatic duct lined by?

Ductal system Pancreatic ducts are lined by columnar cells with luminal microvilli and glycocalyx and small apical cytoplasmic mucin droplets. In large ducts, many epithelial cells also have cilia, which function to aid the downstream movement of exocrine secretions (Figures 4 and 5).

What are the excretory ducts of pancreas?

Pancreatic Ducts

  • Intercalated ducts receive secretions from acini.
  • Intralobular ducts have a classical cuboidal epithelium and, as the name implies, are seen within lobules.
  • Interlobular ducts are found between lobules, within the connective tissue septae.

Where are the nuclei of the septum located?

The septal region (septal nuclei), excluding the nucleus accumbens, is a small area just rostral to the anterior commissure and in the medial wall of the hemisphere (Figs. 31.1B and 31.9A). These nuclei extend into the base of the septum pellucidum.

Where is the septal area located in the brain?

The septal area is located on the lower posterior part of the frontal lobe. The septal area refers to the nearby septum pellucidum. It is located underneath the corpus callosum and in front of the lamina terminalis. The lamina terminalis is a layer of gray matter that connects the optic chiasma and the anterior commissure.

Where are the head, body and tail located in the pancreas?

It is customary to refer to various portions of the pancreas as head, body, and tail. The head lies near the duodenum and the tail extends to the hilum of the spleen. When the terms anterior, posterior, front and back are used, they pertain to relationships in the human, standing erect.

How are the septal nuclei connected to the hippocampus?

The septal nuclei receive reciprocal connections from the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, midbrain, habenula, cingulate gyrus, and thalamus. The septal nuclei are essential in generating the theta rhythm of the hippocampus.

Where is the pancreatic duct located? Front View of the Pancreas The pancreas is about 6 inches long and sits across the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach. The head of the pancreas is on the right side of the abdomen and is connected to the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine)…