What nerve can be damaged if you have a fracture of the shaft of the humerus?

What nerve can be damaged if you have a fracture of the shaft of the humerus?

The radial nerve is most likely to be damaged in humerus fractures that have a lateral displacement of the distal fracture segment, as the nerve is tethered to the bone and cannot withstand the forces applied to it as a result of the displacement.

How long does it take for a mid shaft humerus fracture to heal?

It takes approximately 12 weeks for bony healing in most cases. Some fractures will benefit from early fixation. – Open fractures (where your bone comes out of the skin) need urgent surgery to washout any contamination, fix the fracture and minimise infection risk.

What is the pathophysiology of a humerus fracture?

The most common cause of proximal humeral fractures is a fall from standing, followed by motor vehicle accident and a fall involving stairs. Additional mechanisms include violent muscle contractions from seizure activity, electrical shock, and athletic-related trauma. Proximal humeral fractures are most often closed.

What is the commonest complication of fracture of mid shaft of humerus?

Healing of a mid-shaft humerus fracture with non-surgical treatment generally takes ten to twelve weeks. Often, exercises to improve the mobility of the shoulder and elbow joints are initiated during that time. The two complications often seen are injuries to the radial nerve and nonunion of the fracture.

How is a humeral shaft fracture treated?

A humerus shaft fracture may be treated with or without surgery, depending on the fracture pattern and associated injuries (i.e., nerve injury or open fracture). A temporary splint extending from the shoulder to the forearm and holding the elbow bent at 90 degrees can be used for initial management of the fracture.

Can you move your arm with a fractured humerus?

A fractured humerus or upper arm is extremely painful, and the patient may not be able to move their arm. Sometimes, the radial nerve (one of the main nerves in the arm) may be injured. This happens about 15% of the time. It is more common with fractures that happen closer to the base of the bone.

How long do you have to wear a sling for a fractured shoulder?

For a fractured clavicle, a sling may be worn for four to six weeks. For a fractured proximal humerus, a sling may be needed for up to two weeks. For a fractured scapula, doctors usually recommend wearing a sling until you can move the shoulder without significant pain—anywhere from two to four weeks.

How do you heal a humerus fracture?

Treatment options may include a sling, splint, brace, or surgery. In proximal fractures that remain well aligned, a sling is often sufficient. Many humerus shaft fractures may be treated with a brace rather than surgery.

What are the symptoms of a broken humerus?

An individual with a proximal humerus fracture may experience the following symptoms immediately following the injury: Pain. Swelling. Bruising. Severely restricted movement of the shoulder. Numbness and tingling in the arm, forearm, or hand. Deformity (an unusual appearance) of the upper arm.

How long does it take to heal a broken humerus?

The aim is rehabilitation to a functional range of movement. Generally recovery takes at least one year but union is expected at 6-8 weeks. Adequate treatment of those at risk of osteoporosis. It is defined as a posterolateral humeral head compression fracture and can occur following anterior shoulder dislocation.

What is the treatment for humerus fracture?

Non-operative treatment for a proximal humerus fracture consists of: Immobilisation For the first few weeks after a proximal humerus fracture, a sling is worn to hold the fracture still and to allow the swelling and pain to subside. Medication Medication to relieve pain and inflammation will be prescribed by your doctor such as NSAIDS – non-steroidal anti-inflammatories e.g. ibuprofen or naproxen. Exercises

What nerve can be damaged if you have a fracture of the shaft of the humerus? The radial nerve is most likely to be damaged in humerus fractures that have a lateral displacement of the distal fracture segment, as the nerve is tethered to the bone and cannot withstand the forces applied to it as…