What language does Serbian sound like?

What language does Serbian sound like?

Serbian (specifically the language spoken in Serbia) sounds like some type of Italian people, not sure what region in Italy 😉 are speaking a language full of archaic Russian words and speaking very very fast. I think Russian flows a bit slower to my ears. Serbian is a more European sounding language than Russian.

What language is Serbian most similar to?

And anyway, the two language are barely different. They are mutually intelligible. And the overwhelming consensus among linguists is that Montenegrin and Serbian, as well as Bosnian and Croatian, are basically the same language.

Why do Serbs say Bre?

Well, guess what, the word “bre” is not even Serbian. The Greeks can understand it perfectly because they also use it (they say βρε or ρε). In modern Greek it simply means “a baby”. So, it’s not a bad word, it’s just a way of saying, to express yourself.

What does it mean to be Serb?

1a : a native or inhabitant of Serbia. b : a member of a South Slavic ethnic group that originated in the Balkans. 2 : serbian sense 2.

What is Serbian similar to?

One of the Southern Slavonic languages, Serbian is most closely related to Croatian, Bosnian and Slovene. It’s based on ‘Ekavian’, the variant of the formerly shared Serbo-Croat language spoken in Belgrade, and ‘Ijekavian’ spoken in western Serb areas.

What do you say at a Serbian Slava?

When you come to Serbia and enter the home where Slava is celebrated today, it is good to say “Srećna Slava domaćine!”. That means: “My host, I wish you a happy celebration!”. Also, do not say that quietly.

What is the longest Serbian word?

Serbia. The longest word in Serbian is said to be the 38-letters word ‘Семпаравиливичинаверсаламилитипиковски’. It is the last name of a family in old Yugoslavia. This is the longest known word in Serbian language.

Who is the richest person in Serbia?

Miroslav Mišković
According to the 2007 list of the richest people in the world, published annually by Forbes magazine, Mišković is the worlds’s 691st richest person, with a net worth of $2.9 billion….

Miroslav Mišković
Born 5 July 1945 Bošnjane, Serbia, Yugoslavia
Nationality Serbian
Education Finance
Alma mater University of Belgrade

Which is the most important sound in Serbian?

Yo-yo is the sound that we need. It’s the „j“ sound. It’s a very important sound that has influenced many sounds in the Serbian language. Today I’m going to explain only one of these, but make sure to remember this J sound. J is actually a little „i“.

Where can I learn the language of Serbia?

And to learn all the Serbian sounds and letters, enroll in the FREE introductory Serbian course at Serbonika. Serbian language teacher and entrepreneur, language lover and polyglot, but also a mother and a relentless storyteller.

Which is the correct pronunciation of Serbian C?

Serbian C with a slash above: Ć, a typically Serbian sound Now, this very position of the tongue is the one that we need to produce Ć, this specifically Serbian sound ć.

Where does the C come from in Serbian?

Now, this very position of the tongue is the one that we need to produce Ć, this specifically Serbian sound ć. So, what happens? The tip of your tongue is actually behind your lower front teeth, and the middle part of your tongue is up and almost stuck to your palate. The air is flowing between your tongue and palate.

What language does Serbian sound like? Serbian (specifically the language spoken in Serbia) sounds like some type of Italian people, not sure what region in Italy 😉 are speaking a language full of archaic Russian words and speaking very very fast. I think Russian flows a bit slower to my ears. Serbian is a more…