What is the closest distance between Italy and Greece?

What is the closest distance between Italy and Greece?

Distance from Italy to Greece The shortest distance (air line) between Italy and Greece is 546.56 mi (879.60 km).

How long is the ferry ride from Greece to Italy?

The distance between the two ports is 240 nautical miles and the duration of the ferry journey ranges from 10 to 12,5 hours, depending on the operator. For example, the ferry from Ventouris Lines stops at Corfu and then continues to Igoumenitsa.

How far is Greece from Italy in hours?

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Greece and Italy is 844 km= 524 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Greece to Italy, It takes 0.94 hours to arrive.

How far is Italy from Greece train?

651 miles
Train Information from Athens to Rome

Distance 651 miles (1050 km)
Direct train Yes

Is Greece close to Rome?

Distance from Greece to Rome is 849 kilometers. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Greece and Rome is 849 km= 528 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Greece to Rome, It takes 0.94 hours to arrive.

Can I travel to Italy from Greece?

Entry into Italy is permitted, provided that no symptoms of Covid-19 are present and subject to authorisation by the Ministry of Health, subject to: the obligation to produce a self-declaration. a negative molecular or antigenic swab must be taken within 72 hours beforehand.

What is the cheapest way to get from Italy to Greece?

A ferry from Greece to Italy is one of the cheapest ways to travel between these two countries on a budget. Even if you opt for a dorm bed, it will cost you as little as 100 Euros.

Should I go to Greece or Italy?

Italy has more (easily accessible) history, a richer range of cuisine, better cooking and food tours, and more sightseeing opportunities. Greece has better beaches, a more relaxing atmosphere (especially on the islands), and cheaper food and hotels.

Which country is the closest to Italy?

Italy is a country located in Southern Europe comprising the boot-shaped Italian peninsula and a number of islands including Sicily and Sardinia. Neighboring countries include Austria, France, Holy See, San Marino, Slovenia, and Switzerland.

Is Italy cheaper than Germany?

Although the prices aren’t dramatically different, Italy is a bit more expensive than Germany, mostly because it is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. Accommodation and food can be a bit more expensive because many places are geared specifically to tourists.

What is the closest distance between Italy and Greece? Distance from Italy to Greece The shortest distance (air line) between Italy and Greece is 546.56 mi (879.60 km). How long is the ferry ride from Greece to Italy? The distance between the two ports is 240 nautical miles and the duration of the ferry journey…