What is Alatreon weak to mh3u?

What is Alatreon weak to mh3u?

Alatreon is weak to Ice Element (then Water) when on the ground, and weak to Dragon Element (then Fire) when hovering in the air. It is slightly weak to Thunder when on the ground, but immune to it when in the air. Alatreon doesn’t have an aura like Kushala Daora or Teostra.

Do flash pods work on Alatreon?

Just bear in mind that Alatreon is only weak to Flash Pods when it is not enraged. The Alatreon shockwave attack works just like Supernova from Lunastra. That is to say, it does “red health” damage rather than direct damage.

Can you stagger Alatreon with dragon element?

It will always stagger Alatreon, and it can save your life if you get pinned. Dragon is awful against Alatreon unless you have a lot of trouble breaking his horns. If you are using fire or ice element, breaking his horns is vital to keeping Alatreon in the opposite element after he does Escaton Judgement.

Is blast effective against Alatreon?

Blast does nothing against Alatreon.

Is Alatreon weak to Dragon?

In Dragon Active mode, Alatreon has a 2-star weakness to Dragon and a 1-star weakness to every other element.

What weapon should I use against Alatreon?

Kjarr weapons from Kulve Taroth is a near necessity against Alatreon. These weapons come with a passive Critical element skill that amplifies your elemental attacks when they critically strike. They also have a high base damage making them still worthwhile against Alatreon’s dragon element.

What is the best way to use Alatreon?

As long as you’ve inflicted enough elemental damage to topple Alatreon, you will now be able to heal through the attack. Just bring an Astera Jerky, which you can buy from the provisions guy in Astera or Seliana. Otherwise, you can also use a Great Sushifish Scale, which you can gather via fishing.

Is it better to solo Alatreon?

Beating Alatreon Solo Fighting Alatreon solo might actually be the easier method, but this is also largely dependent on how confident you are in your skills. Make no mistake, it’s still a tough-as-nails fight, but it alleviates some of the problems with fighting him as a team.

What is Alatreon weak to mh3u? Alatreon is weak to Ice Element (then Water) when on the ground, and weak to Dragon Element (then Fire) when hovering in the air. It is slightly weak to Thunder when on the ground, but immune to it when in the air. Alatreon doesn’t have an aura like Kushala…