What is a talking piece?

What is a talking piece?

• Talking Piece – The talking piece is an object used to let people know whose turn it is to talk while everyone else listens. Only the person who has the talking piece is talking which increases respectful listening and models the importance of every voice. Restorative practices are not forced on people.

What to use as a talking piece?

You will need a talking piece. Examples include a small, soft toy; a special stick or stone; a rattle or gourd; or some other object that can withstand being passed around the class multiple times.

What is a virtual talking piece?

Participants can hold their own personal talking piece while speaking. This tangible cue reminds them to speak only when it’s in their hand (and not to speak when it isn’t). Hold their talking piece up so it’s visible to participants, which indicates they wish to speak. Say, “I’m passing the talking piece to [name].”

How do you conduct a restorative justice circle?

The general format most people use goes: offender, victim, victim’s supporter, and offender’s supporter. As a circle facilitator, ask each person a set of restorative questions and listen to their response. Once everyone has responded to the restorative questions, transition into a more open model of discussion.

What is a restorative activity?

Exposure to restorative activities, such as observing nature, is associated with improved concentration, more effective cognitive functioning, and feelings of greater mental energy, peacefulness, and refreshment.

What is a Native American talking circle?

The TRADITIONAL “TALKING—CIRCLE” is a very old way of bringing NATIVE PEOPLE of all ages together in a quiet, respectful manner for the purposes of TEACHING, LISTENING, LEARNING, SHARING. One could call it a very effective form of NATIVE GROUP THERAPY. …

How do you have a restorative conversation?

What are the important elements to have in a restorative conversation? Send a strong message of care to the student. Give the student an opportunity to say “what happened”/give the student a voice. Communicate to the student how it made you feel.

What is the purpose of restorative practices?

The aim of restorative practices is to develop community and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships. This statement identifies both proactive (building relationships and developing community) and reactive (repairing harm and restoring relationships) approaches.

How do I run a virtual shared circle?

Sample Virtual Circle Format

  1. Open the circle and check-ins.
  2. Grounding in present moment.
  3. Share guidelines and agreements.
  4. Introduce intention/theme/question for this circle.
  5. Sharing circle / activity.
  6. Check-out and closing the circle.

How do you host a talking circle?

When the talking object is placed in someone’s hands; it is that person’s turn to share his or her thoughts, without interruption. The object is then passed to the next person in a clockwise direction. Whoever is holding the object has the right to speak and others have the responsibility to listen.

What is a talking piece? • Talking Piece – The talking piece is an object used to let people know whose turn it is to talk while everyone else listens. Only the person who has the talking piece is talking which increases respectful listening and models the importance of every voice. Restorative practices are not…