What is a regular polygon in geometry?

What is a regular polygon in geometry?

In Euclidean geometry: Regular polygons. A polygon is called regular if it has equal sides and angles. Thus, a regular triangle is an equilateral triangle, and a regular quadrilateral is a square.

What is N-sided convex polygon?

A convex polygon is defined as a polygon with all its interior angles less than 180°. This means that all the vertices of the polygon will point outwards, away from the interior of the shape. Think of it as a ‘bulging’ polygon. Note that a triangle (3-gon) is always convex.

What are the sides of a regular polygon?

A regular polygon is a closed figure (geometry) with at least 3 sides and angles is called a regular polygon if all the angles and all the sides are equal. For example, the equilateral triangle is an example of a regular polygon with 3 sides because all its angles and sides are equal.

What is 10 sided shape called?

Answer (1 of 25): A ten sided object (polyhedron) is known as a decahedron (three dimensional) while a ten sided two dimensional figure (polygon) is known as a decagon. For “ and. – gon is an eighteen – sided polygon and its…. Consist of adjoining line segments and are named based on how many sides they….

What does n mean in polygons?

The word polygon is a combination of two Greek words: “poly” means many and “gon” means angle. In this formula, the letter n stands for the number of sides, or angles, that the polygon has.

How many diagonals does a 20 sided polygon have?

In a 20-sided polygon, the total diagonals are = 20(20-3)/2 = 170. But, since one vertex does not send any diagonals, the diagonals by that vertex needs to be subtracted from the total number of diagonals.

Which is an example of a regular polygon?

A polygon having all the sides equal are all regular polygons. Since all the sides of the polygon are equal therefore all the angles of a regular polygon are equal. The most common examples of regular polygons are square, rhombus, equilateral triangle etc. The below diagram represents a regular polygon.

How are the sides and interior angles of a regular polygon equal?

All the sides and interior angles of a regular polygon are all equal. The bisectors of the interior angles of a regular polygon meet at its centre. The perpendiculars drawn from the centre of a regular polygon to its sides are all equal. The lines joining the centre of a regular polygon to its vertices are all equal.

Which is a polygon with more than two sides?

Polygons are figures which have more than two sides. We name polygons according to the number of sides and angles they have. The most familiar polygons are the triangle, the rectangle, the square and so on. Hence a rectangle is a regular polygon.

When do you do not have a regular polygon?

If even one of those features is not present, you do not have a regular polygon. You may have three of the features (two dimensions; straight sides; an interior and exterior) but still not have a regular polygon. You would have an irregular polygon.

What is a regular polygon in geometry? In Euclidean geometry: Regular polygons. A polygon is called regular if it has equal sides and angles. Thus, a regular triangle is an equilateral triangle, and a regular quadrilateral is a square. What is N-sided convex polygon? A convex polygon is defined as a polygon with all its…