What happens if you punch the reporter in Mass Effect?

What happens if you punch the reporter in Mass Effect?

Mass Effect 2 Shepard can interrupt her by punching her in the face, blackening her eye and causing other facial injuries.

Where is the reporter in mass effect1?

Once you’ve turned in the evidence about Saren to the Council and you conclude that meeting, you’ll be able to explore the Citadel again. You need to find a reporter who can take Fist’s OSD and turn it into a story. You can find that reporter on the Upper Wards portion of the Citadel, on the market level.

Where is Diana Allers on the Normandy?

By agreeing to her proposition, you’ll find her on the third floor, in the Starboard Cargo Bay, on the Normandy.

Can you meet Emily Wong in me2?

Mass Effect 2 Emily Wong dishing out the news at an undisclosed location on the Citadel Emily can be seen in 2185 as a newscaster via holographic video terminals on the Citadel. According to news reports, she works for the Future Content Corporation news service.

Should I plant the bug for Emily Wong?

Wong asserts that the bug is completely harmless, and seems sincere in her motivations for safer air traffic worker conditions. You can do this assignment in two major ways: actually plant the bug, or not. Either way you have to return to her for completing the assignment.

How to do reporter’s request in Mass Effect?

This page of IGN’s Mass Effect wiki guide is all about the Reporter’s Request Side Quest on the Citadel, including what you need to do to get the best options for resolving the situation. If you’re playing Renegade, it’s reccommended you have at least 2 Intimidate Points before you conclude this Side Quest, to have the best option available.

Who is Diana Allers in Mass Effect 2?

Diana Allers is a human Alliance News Network war correspondent and regular on the Alliance News Network’s “Battlespace”. She is originally from Milgrom, Bekenstein, and considers herself a “colony kid”. Diana is a potential romance option for both male and female Commander Shepard. 1…

Where does khalisah al Jilani appear in Mass Effect?

Mass Effect. Al-Jilani appears at the C-Sec Academy on the Citadel, asking Commander Shepard for an interview. If Shepard agrees to the interview, al-Jilani’s questions begin cordially, but gradually become more hostile.

Why are war reporters look very feminine in Mass Effect?

In another aftermission lull, Allers answers Traynor’s question on why war reporters look very feminine: Research actually showed that asari pay more attention, salarians relate more to high-pitched voices, and turians prove to be loyal viewers but write the creepiest fan mail. Allers requests some interviews after a few key events.

What happens if you punch the reporter in Mass Effect? Mass Effect 2 Shepard can interrupt her by punching her in the face, blackening her eye and causing other facial injuries. Where is the reporter in mass effect1? Once you’ve turned in the evidence about Saren to the Council and you conclude that meeting, you’ll…