What happens if I say 17 to Siri?

What happens if I say 17 to Siri?

According to the Siri user guide, iPhones automatically call the local emergency number no matter what emergency number you say. However, if there isn’t an emergency and you’re just telling Siri “17” — which is the emergency number for a small region in France — you’re wasting a lot of people’s time.

What should u never ask Siri?

And don’t miss the bonus at the end.

  • Don’t try to find out if Jon Snow is alive.
  • Never tell her to show you skin and home parasites.
  • Don’t search for unknown animals or plants.
  • Don’t ask her to call an ambulance.
  • Don’t tell her you need to hide a body.
  • Don’t tell Siri to call your boyfriend.

What are the funniest things to ask Siri?

Another one of funny things to ask Siri is to request her to make you a sandwich. Even Siri has her limitations and asking her to rustle up a tasty snack for you is still, at the moment, out of her reach. Ask her to make you a sandwich and she is likely to answer: “I’m not permitted to prepare food”.

What are some scary things to ask Siri?

Here Are 20 Creepy Things To Ask Siri With Answers 1. Baby Store 2. Friendship 3. Crime Partner 4. Savage 5. Emergency Case 6. Intelligence 7. A Blurry Answer 8. Being tired 9. A perfect friend 10. Your Partner in violation 11. Life on App 12. A Practical Answer 13. An anti-loving VA 14. A Clever assistant 15. Don’t Panic 16. Bothering Siri

What can you ask Siri?

You can ask Siri to play specific songs, albums, or artists, to play a specific genre or playlist, to pause and resume, and to skip a track. For example, you can say, “Play Beethoven’s Fifth” or “Play ‘1989’ by Taylor Swift” or “Play some classic rock music.”.

What things does Siri do?

Siri is a voice recognition application introduced as part of Apple’s iPhone 4S. The software can understand natural human language and complete requested tasks, such as answering questions, reading messages, making calendar appointments and setting reminders.

What happens if I say 17 to Siri? According to the Siri user guide, iPhones automatically call the local emergency number no matter what emergency number you say. However, if there isn’t an emergency and you’re just telling Siri “17” — which is the emergency number for a small region in France — you’re wasting…