What can cause a cat to suddenly go blind?

What can cause a cat to suddenly go blind?

A wide variety of conditions can precipitate sudden blindness in a cat, including a burst of bleeding into the eye’s interior or a traumatic blow to the head. In rare cases, a cat’s ingestion of an antibacterial medication called enrofloxacin has also been shown to damage the feline retina and cause sudden blindness.

Can sudden blindness in cats be reversed?

Treatment and prognosis In some cases the underlying cause of the blindness will be reversible and normal vision may return. However, in other cases, even if the underlying cause is resolved, the damage to the sight may be permanent and there may be no change or improvement in the cat’s vision.

Can owning a cat cause blindness?

Scientists have discovered that dogs and cats carry antigens which can prompt different immune responses in humans. While the allergen which dogs carry reduces the chance of developing glaucoma – the second leading cause of blindness in the UK – owning a cat nearly doubles the risk of contracting the eye disease.

Can blindness from hypertension in cats be reversed?

Feline hypertension is generally a manageable condition with regular medication. Some of the consequences of hypertension, such as blindness, cannot be reversed with treatment, while others, such as neurologic abnormalities, may improve.

What are the symptoms of a cat going blind?

How to tell if a cat is blind

  • Cloudy eyes.
  • Uneven or very wide pupils.
  • Disorientation and bumping into things, especially in low light.
  • Walking slowly/cautiously with their legs wider apart than usual.
  • Reluctance to jump.
  • Hiding away and becoming nervous.
  • Reluctance to go out at night.
  • Changes in their behaviour.

How can you tell if a cat is losing its sight?

Looking for Trouble. The signs that your cat has become visually impaired may be quite obvious. The animal may, for example, start bumping into furniture, trip as it climbs up or down a flight of stairs, or appear to have trouble finding its litter box or food bowl.

Is it cruel to keep a blind cat alive?

It is not cruel to allow your pet to function as a blind pet. In fact, blind pets are not nearly as concerned about their deficit as most owners. When your pet becomes blind, the cat will just rely on its sense of smell and hearing. Blind cats typically are still very happy.

Is it cruel to keep a blind cat?

Can a cats vision be restored?

In some instances, prompt and proper veterinary treatment can restore partial vision to a cat with a retinal detachment, but in most cases, permanent blindness will result.

What can cause sudden blindness in a cat?

Kidney or heart disease may cause hypertension or high blood pressure and this will lead to sudden blindness. It is important to detect any underlying conditions so as to be able to offer suitable treatment.

Can a cat go blind from high blood pressure?

The only scenario the blindness is permanent is if this occurs after the administration of Baytril. The underlying condition causing the sudden loss of vision should be treated. The high blood pressure should be controlled with proper medication (i.e. Norbasc or Amlodipine).

Is it possible for a cat to lose its vision?

As is the case with virtually all types of feline health problems, the earlier a cat’s vision impairment is diagnosed—whether the result of disease or injury—the better it may be treated. In some cases, unfortunately, an animal’s failing vision or blindness may have become irreversible by the time veterinary care is pursued.

Is the sudden blindness of a cat reversible?

Sudden Blindness Prognosis. Sudden blindness or retinal detachment can be reversible if it is detected in a timely manner. The only scenario the blindness is permanent is if this occurs after the administration of Baytril.

What can cause a cat to suddenly go blind? A wide variety of conditions can precipitate sudden blindness in a cat, including a burst of bleeding into the eye’s interior or a traumatic blow to the head. In rare cases, a cat’s ingestion of an antibacterial medication called enrofloxacin has also been shown to damage…