What are Isochore maps?

What are Isochore maps?

Isopach maps are also referred to as True Stratigraphic Thickness (TST) maps. An isochore map displays lines of equal thickness in a layer where the thicknesses are measured vertically. Isochore maps in geology are also referred to as True Vertical Thickness (TVT) maps.

Why are isopach maps important?

Isopach maps display the stratigraphic thickness between an upper and lower horizon. It is measured as the shortest distance between the two surfaces. Isopach maps provide a more accurate picture of stratigraphic thickness, because it reflects the thickness of the deposited bed.

How do I create an isopach map?

To construct an isopach map from borehole logs, one locates the top and bottom of the stratigraphic unit on a given log, subtracts the lesser depth from the greater, and plots the resulting thickness on a map. Repetition for each of the available logs generates the data that are then contoured on the map.

What does Isopachyte mean?

(ˈaɪsəʊˌpæk ) or isopachyte (ˌaɪsəʊˈpækaɪt ) noun. geology. a line on a map connecting points below which a particular rock stratum has the same thickness. Collins English Dictionary.

What is an isopleth method map?

Isopleth maps simplify information about a region by showing areas with continuous distribution. Isopleth maps may use lines to show areas where elevation, temperature, rainfall, or some other quality is the same; values between lines can be interpolated.

What is lithofacies map?

A map which shows the distribution of different lithofacies for a particular stratigraphic interval or horizon (see stratigraphic column). Such maps may be interpreted to yield a palaeogeography or environmental interpretation for the mapped horizon. From: lithofacies map in A Dictionary of Earth Sciences »

What is structural map?

Structural mapping is the identification and characterization of structural expression. Structures include faults, folds, synclines and anticlines and lineaments. Understanding structures is the key to interpreting crustal movements that have shaped the present terrain.

Which is the best description of an isopach map?

Isopach map. An isopach map illustrates thickness variations within a tabular unit, layer or stratum. Isopachs are contour lines of equal thickness over an area. Isopach maps are utilized in hydrographic survey, stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural geology, petroleum geology and volcanology.

How to create an isopach map in Surfer 12 Golden Software?

Click the Grid | Math command. In the Grid Math dialog, click the Add Grids button. In the Open Grid (s) dialog, select the grid files for the upper surface and the lower surface. Click Open. Click the Change Filename (yellow folder) icon next to Output Grid File. Enter a new File name. Click Save.

Which is the best description of an isochore map?

An isochore map displays lines of equal thickness in a layer where the thicknesses are measured vertically. Isochore maps in geology are also referred to as True Vertical Thickness (TVT) maps.

What are Isochore maps? Isopach maps are also referred to as True Stratigraphic Thickness (TST) maps. An isochore map displays lines of equal thickness in a layer where the thicknesses are measured vertically. Isochore maps in geology are also referred to as True Vertical Thickness (TVT) maps. Why are isopach maps important? Isopach maps display…