What are 20 facts about the sun?

What are 20 facts about the sun?

Facts about the Sun

  • The Sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass in the solar system.
  • Over one million Earth’s could fit inside the Sun.
  • One day the Sun will consume the Earth.
  • The energy created by the Sun’s core is nuclear fusion.
  • The Sun is almost a perfect sphere.
  • The Sun is travelling at 220 km per second.

How hot is the sun NASA?

10,000 degrees Fahrenheit
Surface temperature: 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Composition: Hydrogen, helium.

How heavy is the sun NASA?

Bulk parameters

Sun Ratio (Sun/Earth)
Mass (1024 kg) 1,988,500. 333,000.
GM (x 106 km3/s2) 132,712. 333,000.
Volume (1012 km3) 1,412,000. 1,304,000.
Volumetric mean radius (km) 695,700. 109.2

Can humans go to sun?

In theory, we could. But the trip is long — the sun is 93 million miles (about 150 million kilometers) away — and we don’t have the technology to safely get astronauts to the sun and back yet. The sun’s surface is about 6,000 Kelvin, which is 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit (5,726 degrees Celsius). …

Who is the god of Sun?

Helios, (Greek: “Sun”) in Greek religion, the sun god, sometimes called a Titan. He drove a chariot daily from east to west across the sky and sailed around the northerly stream of Ocean each night in a huge cup.

What are 5 facts about the Sun?

By weight, Sun comprises of 73% hydrogen, 25% helium, 1.5% carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and 0.5% all other elements. By volume, Sun comprises of 92.1% hydrogen, 7.8% helium and 0.1% all other elements. The Sun is at a mean distance of 149.60 million km from Earth.

What is something interesting about NASA?

Here are 60 Interesting Facts About NASA. 1. NASA is currently working on the development of a Star Trek style warp drive that could get astronotus to Alpha Centauri (second nearest star to the sun) in just 2 weeks. – Source 2. A poll conducted in 1997 revealed that Americans thought NASA’s funding accounted for 20% of the federal budget.

What is Sun NASA?

(Image: © NASA/ SDO (via Twitter @NASA_SDO)) The sun is a big ball of gas and plasma. Most of the gas — 91 percent — is hydrogen. It is converted into energy in the sun’s core. The energy moves outward through the interior layers, into the sun’s atmosphere, and is released into the solar system as heat and light.

What are some interesting facts about the Sun?

Interesting & Fun Facts about Sun. The Sun is actually a star. Sun is about 4 1/2 billion years old. Sun’s mass is 2 x 1027 tonnes. The mean diameter of the Sun is 1.392×109 m. Sun appears small, because it is 93 million miles away from Earth.

What are 20 facts about the sun? Facts about the Sun The Sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass in the solar system. Over one million Earth’s could fit inside the Sun. One day the Sun will consume the Earth. The energy created by the Sun’s core is nuclear fusion. The Sun is almost a…