Is find a synonym for Retrieve?

Is find a synonym for Retrieve?

Find another word for retrieve. In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for retrieve, like: get, recover, rescue, recoup, fetch, recall, remember, retreive, restore, revive and salvage.

What does retrieve mean synonyms?

repair, save, rescue, restore, recapture, recover, salvage, fetch, reclaim, regain, recall, recruit, repossess, redeem, recoup, reacquire.

Are retrieve and recover synonyms?

Synonyms & Antonyms of retrieve

  • get back,
  • re-collect,
  • reacquire,
  • recapture,
  • reclaim,
  • recoup,
  • recover,
  • regain,

What does retrieve mean antonym?

retrieve. Antonyms: lose, forfeit, abandon, betray, surrender, impair, deteriorate. Synonyms: recover, regain, rescue, repair, restore.

What are two synonyms retrieve?

synonyms for retrieve

  • fetch.
  • recapture.
  • recover.
  • repair.
  • rescue.
  • restore.
  • salvage.
  • save.

What is the closest antonym for recover?

antonyms for recover

  • break.
  • hurt.
  • lose.
  • decline.
  • deteriorate.
  • mislay.
  • miss.
  • wane.

What’s the opposite to pretentious?

Unassuming: “Not pretentious or arrogant; modest.”

What is another word for get back?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for get-back, like: reclaim, turn-back, revisit, revindicate, retrieve, go away, reappear, recover, pass, salvage and miss.

What is the synonym and antonym of recover?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms recover. Synonyms: regain, repossess, resume, retrieve, recruit, heal, cure, revive, restore, reanimate, save. Antonyms: lose, forfeit, miss, sacrifice, deteriorate, impair, decay, decline, relapse.

What is an antonym for survived?

survive. Antonyms: cease, decease, decline, depart, die, expire, fade, perish, wither. Synonyms: be born, be immortal, begin, come into being, come to life, exist, flourish, grow, live, rise again, rise from the dead.

How do you spell retreive?

The Correct spelling is: retrieve. Common misspellings of the word retrieve are: retreive. retrieve in french.

What is an antonym for retrieve?

Antonyms for retrieve: break, relapse, offer, lose, damage, draw a blank, misplace, sink, Busying, blank out, busies, waste, forfeit, fail, forget, give, immerse, Busied, harm, die, endanger, relinquish, destroy, injure, block, mislay, hurt.

What is the noun for retrieve?

One who retrieves something.

  • A type of gun dog that retrieves game for a hunter.
  • (surgery) A tool for retrieving materials from the body after an operation.
  • Synonyms:
  • Examples:
  • What is the definition of retrieve?

    Retrieve is defined as to find and bring or to bring back or restore, whether physically or mentally. An example of retrieve is for a dog to bring a bone back to his owner after the owner threw the bone into the air. An example of retrieve is to recover lost files on a computer.

    Is find a synonym for Retrieve? Find another word for retrieve. In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for retrieve, like: get, recover, rescue, recoup, fetch, recall, remember, retreive, restore, revive and salvage. What does retrieve mean synonyms? repair, save, rescue, restore, recapture, recover, salvage, fetch, reclaim, regain,…