How many words long is great expectations?

How many words long is great expectations?

ATOS Book Level: 9.2
AR Points: 35.0
Word Count: 183349
Fiction/Nonfiction Fiction

How many pages is Great Expectations book?

544first edition 1861
Great Expectations/Page count

How long does great expectations take to read?

about 6 hours and 22 minutes
It takes an average reader about 6 hours and 22 minutes to read Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, according to a new site called The site lets you enter a book title (and even choose the edition of the publication) to determine how many words and pages are in the book.

How many pages is Nicholas Nickleby?

952first edition
Nicholas Nickleby/Page count

What grade level is great expectations?

Great Expectations

Interest Level Grade 5 – Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 9
Genre Fiction, Young Adult
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Brand First Avenue Classics ™

What is the meaning of Squeer?

b : a person whose gender identity is nonbinary or differs from the sex they had or were identified as having at birth : a genderqueer or transgender person : a person who is not cisgender. queer. verb. queered; queering; queers.

Who does Nicholas Nickleby marry?

Madeline Bray
He and Smike escape Mr. Squeers and go to work for the Crummles acting troupe. Later Nicholas works for the kind-hearted Cheeryble brothers. Eventually he marries Madeline Bray.

When was the first book of Great Expectations published?

See Article History. Great Expectations, novel by Charles Dickens, first published serially in All the Year Round in 1860–61 and issued in book form in 1861.

Who are the main characters in Great Expectations?

A novel by Dickens, which first appeared in All the Year Round 1860–61, published in book form 1861. It recounts the development of the character of the narrator, Philip Pirrip, commonly known as ‘Pip’, a village boy brought up by his termagant sister, the wife of the gentle, humorous, kindly blacksmith Joe Gargery.

Where does the story of Great Expectations take place?

For the real mansion in Rochester, see King’s School, Rochester § Satis House. Great Expectations is the thirteenth novel by Charles Dickens and his penultimate completed novel. It depicts the education of an orphan nicknamed Pip (the book is a bildungsroman, a coming-of-age story ).

Where can I buy Great Expectations for free?

For more free eBooks visit our Web site at To hear about our latest releases subscribe to the Planet PDF Newsletter. Great Expectations Chapter 1 My father’s family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip.

How many words long is great expectations? ATOS Book Level: 9.2 AR Points: 35.0 Rating: Word Count: 183349 Fiction/Nonfiction Fiction How many pages is Great Expectations book? 544first edition 1861 Great Expectations/Page count How long does great expectations take to read? about 6 hours and 22 minutes It takes an average reader about 6 hours…