How hot is Punta Cana in September?

How hot is Punta Cana in September?

around 88°F
Daily high temperatures are around 88°F, rarely falling below 85°F or exceeding 90°F. The highest daily average high temperature is 88°F on September 16. Daily low temperatures are around 77°F, rarely falling below 74°F or exceeding 79°F.

Does it rain a lot in September in Punta Cana?

September falls within the wet and hurricane seasons in Punta Cana, which means that there is a fair chance you’ll experience a lot of rainfall and powerful winds during your holiday.

Is Punta Cana good in September?

Although September is in the wet hurricane season, Punta Cana still boasts clear blue skies, hot sunshine and warm Caribbean seas at this time of year. If you choose to visit in September, make sure you pack for all weathers and prepare for the warm, tropical heat.

Is September hurricane season in Punta Cana?

While the official hurricane season all over the atlantic lasts June 1st til November 30th, the peak season for threats of the Punta Cana area is September/October.

Is it OK to go to Dominican Republic in September?

Despite the rain and the chance of storms, September can actually be a great month to visit the Dominican Republic. The weather is hot and sunny, plus there are fewer vacation crowds around once the school term starts.

How much does it rain in Punta Cana in September?

Average Weather during September in Punta Cana (Greater Santo Domingo), Dominican Republic. The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Punta Cana in September is 24.4°C (75.92°F). The amount of rain in September is high with an average of 101mm (4.0in).

When was the last hurricane in Punta Cana?

July 30, 2020 – Hurricane Isaias makes landfall around Punta Cana with 60 (95 km/h) mile per hour winds. One person is killed in the Dominican Republic due to a downed wire. August 23, 2020 – Hurricane Laura passes over Hispaniola. Four people were killed in the Dominican Republic, while 31 were killed in Haiti.

Is September a good month to visit Dominican?

How many days do you need in Punta Cana?

The Dominican Republic is known for its spectacular beaches, and the island paradise of Punta Cana is no exception. With three days, you can spend some time on the sand, enjoy Punta Cana’s legendary nightlife, and still have time to explore outside the resort.

How hot is Punta Cana in September? around 88°F Daily high temperatures are around 88°F, rarely falling below 85°F or exceeding 90°F. The highest daily average high temperature is 88°F on September 16. Daily low temperatures are around 77°F, rarely falling below 74°F or exceeding 79°F. Does it rain a lot in September in Punta…