How do I transfer my NAPLEX score?

How do I transfer my NAPLEX score?

Score Transfer

  1. Score transfer requests can be submitted via your NABP e-Profile up to 89 days after sitting for the NAPLEX.
  2. The cost is $75 per state.
  3. Purchase score transfer requests as soon as possible; waiting until the last day may result in the score transfer request option being unavailable.

How long does NAPLEX score transfer last?

one year
The score transfer is good for one year from the date of the NAPLEX exam. The MPJE must be passed within one year of the date of the passed NAPLEX exam. If the MPJE is not passed within one year, you must apply by Reciprocity.

What happens if you fail NAPLEX 5 times?

Failure to finish an exam is counted as an attempt. The five attempt limit for the MPJE applies to attempts to pass the MPJE within a single jurisdiction or state. For example, a candidate may attempt to pass the MPJE in State A five times and will also have five attempts for State B.

Can MPJE scores transfer?

You cannot transfer an MPJE score under any circumstance. They are all state specific so they won’t ever give you the option to transfer one.

What is the average NAPLEX score?

NAPLEX scores can range from 1 to 150. On average, PC students scored a 101.16. On average, students at other pharmacy schools across the country scored 96.80. One PC School of Pharmacy graduate scored a 130 on the NAPLEX.

Does Purchase score transfer mean you passed NAPLEX?

Under your examination status if you have an options to purchase score transfer and purchase score review =you’ve passed.

How many times can you fail CPJE?

When your eligibility expires, you will need to reapply to the board to be considered eligible to take the CPJE. To reapply, use the application for Pharmacist Licensure and Examination, which can be downloaded from the board’s Web site. Current policy allows one test attempt per application.

What is the difference between score transfer and reciprocity?

Score Transfer is still considered obtaining licensure by examination, and unlike reciprocity, Score Transfer allows you to be licensed in multiple states right away without first having to practice. Complete and submit an Application for Examination to these additional states.

What happens if you fail the NAPLEX 3 times?

If a candidate fails the NAPLEX three (3) times in a twelve (12)-month period, the candidate shall be subject to eligibility approval by the board of pharmacy (or designated authority) and will not receive an authorization to test until the 12-month time frame has passed.

Is CPJE changing to MPJE?

California Board of Pharmacy has voted unanimously to remove the CPJE and replace it with the MPJE. Class of 2021 will still have to take the CPJE. The change will occur after the OPES conducts its official audit of the CPJE.

What is the highest NAPLEX score?

Scores on the NAPLEX range from 0 to 150, with higher scores indicating better performance; 75 is considered the minimum passing score.

How do I transfer my NAPLEX score? Score Transfer Score transfer requests can be submitted via your NABP e-Profile up to 89 days after sitting for the NAPLEX. The cost is $75 per state. Purchase score transfer requests as soon as possible; waiting until the last day may result in the score transfer request option…