How do I return a set of records in PostgreSQL?

How do I return a set of records in PostgreSQL?

PL/pgSQL function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_foo() — (open_id numeric) — parameter not used RETURNS TABLE (a int, b int, c int) AS $func$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY VALUES (1,2,3) , (3,4,5) , (3,4,5) ; END $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ROWS 3; In Postgres 9.6 or later you can also add PARALLEL SAFE .

How do I return multiple records in PostgreSQL?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_object_fields(name text) RETURNS RECORD AS $$ BEGIN — fetch fields f1, f2 and f3 from table t1 — fetch fields f4, f5 from table t2 — fetch fields f6, f7 and f8 from table t3 — return fields f1 …

What is return in PostgreSQL?

The RETURNING keyword in PostgreSQL gives you an opportunity to return, from the insert or update statement, the values of any columns after the insert or update was run.

What is a set returning function?

A Set Returning Function is a PostgreSQL Stored Procedure that can be used as a relation: from a single call it returns an entire result set, much like a subquery or a table. It used to be possible to use SRF in the SELECT clause, with dubious (but useful at times) semantics, and also in scalar contexts.

How do I return a query in PostgreSQL?

To return a table from the function, you use RETURNS TABLE syntax and specify the columns of the table. Each column is separated by a comma (, ). In the function, we return a query that is a result of a SELECT statement.

What is record in PostgreSQL?

A composite type represents the structure of a row or record; it is essentially just a list of field names and their data types. PostgreSQL allows composite types to be used in many of the same ways that simple types can be used. For example, a column of a table can be declared to be of a composite type.

What is type in PostgreSQL?

Description. CREATE TYPE registers a new data type for use in the current database. The user who defines a type becomes its owner. If a schema name is given then the type is created in the specified schema. Otherwise it is created in the current schema.

Do block in Postgres?

DO executes an anonymous code block, or in other words a transient anonymous function in a procedural language. The code block is treated as though it were the body of a function with no parameters, returning void. It is parsed and executed a single time.

Can we create stored procedure in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL allows you to extend the database functionality with user-defined functions by using various procedural languages, which are often referred to as stored procedures. With stored procedures you can create your own custom functions and reuse them in applications or as part of other database’s workflow.

What is lateral join Postgres?

Loosely, it means that a LATERAL join is like a SQL foreach loop, in which PostgreSQL will iterate over each row in a result set and evaluate a subquery using that row as a parameter.

How to return set of rows in PostgreSQL?

User-defined composite types are very useful if you want to return set of rows from your function. Then you should define return type of the function as setof composite-type and use return next or return query. Thanks for contributing an answer to Database Administrators Stack Exchange!

How to return a composite type in PostgreSQL?

In that case, you can return a setof record. This tells PostgreSQL that you want to the function to return an composite type but that you’re going to tell it what types to expect later. Let’s make a function that returns all the rows of a table whose name you pass in as a parameter.

How to process a result set in PostgreSQL?

You can call a PostgreSQL stored procedure and process a result set in a .NET application, for example, in C# application using Npgsql .NET data provider. Note that you do not need to know the name of the cursor to process the result set.

How to return set of record from function?

return setof record from function with dynamic query From: Toby Tremayne

How do I return a set of records in PostgreSQL? PL/pgSQL function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_foo() — (open_id numeric) — parameter not used RETURNS TABLE (a int, b int, c int) AS $func$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY VALUES (1,2,3) , (3,4,5) , (3,4,5) ; END $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ROWS 3; In Postgres 9.6 or…