How do I find a postcode for the UK?

How do I find a postcode for the UK?

It consists of one or two letters, followed by one digit, two digits, or one digit and one letter. This is followed by a space and then the Incode which indicates the postcode sector and delivery point (usually a group of around 15 addresses).

How many postcodes are there in Derby?

23 postcode
The DE postcode area, also known as the Derby postcode area, is a group of 23 postcode districts in central England, within 11 post towns….Postcode district boundaries:

Postcode districts 25
Postcode sectors 129
Postcodes (live) 17,235
Postcodes (total) 30,008

What is the postcode for Derby City Centre?

Postcode DE1 Postal District – Derby city centre – DERBY.

Where is postcode 43?

BT43 is located in the county of County Antrim, in Northern Ireland. County Antrim has a total population of 0, making it the largest county in the UK….County Antrim.

Outward Code BT43
Country Northern Ireland
Local Authority Ballymena
Area Classification Unclassified

What is the biggest postcode area in the UK?

What is the biggest postcode area in the UK? The biggest postcode area is IV , also known as Inverness. It is made up of 52 postcode districts for post towns.

How many DN postcodes are there?

32 postcode districts
The DN postcode area, also known as the Doncaster postcode area, is a group of 32 postcode districts in England, which are subdivisions of 13 post towns.

What is the area code for Derby?

Derby/Area codes

What postcode is dy?

Postcode district boundaries:

Postcode area DY
Postcode area name Dudley
Post towns 8
Postcode districts 14

What does bt mean in postcode?

Today, the Belfast post town covers postcode districts BT1 to BT17 and part of BT29. In common with all addresses in Northern Ireland, Belfast postcodes start with the letters BT, a mnemonic of the capital city’s name.

What is Scotland postcode?

An example postcode for Central Scotland is G74 5AD (JSON).

How many postcode areas are there in Derby?

Our database currently has a total of 3 Postcode areas in Derby, Derbyshire. . Missing/incorrect postcodes in Derby? I try my best to keep the data accurate and up-to-date, but there are often cases where information is either missing or inccurate, so I appreciate all the help I can get.

How many people live in Derby city centre?

This is a list of postcodes in the DE1 area covering the areas of Derby city centre. The area contains approximately 6,989 households with a population of about 14,443 (2011 census) Active?

How tall is the town of Derby in England?

Derby has 48m (157ft) altitude. The coordinates of Derby are: 52.9225301 lat, -1.4746186 lng. Derby belongs to Derbyshire County. Derby belongs to England. England is constituent country of United Kingdom. The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Scotland and Wales (which collectively make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland.

What makes up the outward half of a postcode?

The Outward half of a Postcode consists of one or two alpha characters (Postcode Areas) followed by one of two numeric characters (Postcode Districts). The Inward half of the postcode format (easily identified as appearing after the space in any postcode) consists of just one numeric followed by two alpha characters.

How do I find a postcode for the UK? It consists of one or two letters, followed by one digit, two digits, or one digit and one letter. This is followed by a space and then the Incode which indicates the postcode sector and delivery point (usually a group of around 15 addresses). How many…