How do I avoid Na in VLOOKUP?

How do I avoid Na in VLOOKUP?

VLOOKUP without #N/A error

  1. Generic formula.
  2. To hide the #N/A error that VLOOKUP throws when it can’t find a value, you can use the IFERROR function to catch the error and return any value you like.
  3. When VLOOKUP can’t find a value in a lookup table, it returns the #N/A error.

How do I fix NA in VLOOKUP?

Solution: Change the VLOOKUP function to look for an exact match. To do that, set the range_lookup argument to FALSE. No sorting is necessary for FALSE.

Why is VLOOKUP not working n A?

The most common cause of the #N/A error is with VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, LOOKUP, or MATCH functions if a formula can’t find a referenced value. For example, your lookup value doesn’t exist in the source data. In this case there is no “Banana” listed in the lookup table, so VLOOKUP returns a #N/A error.

How do I hide NA in Excel?

The easiest way to hide error values on your spreadsheet is with the IFERROR function. Using the IFERROR function, you can replace the error that’s shown with another value, or even an alternative formula. In this example, a VLOOKUP function has returned the #N/A error value.

Why VLOOKUP returning NA but value is there?

What Does the #N/A Result Actually Mean? #N/A is an abbreviation for “not available”, which means that the search cannot return a value or did not find a match. This result can be returned even though there are matches in the column if the VLOOKUP’s syntax is not formed correctly.

What is the shortcut to remove VLOOKUP?

Follow the steps below to learn how to remove formula in Excel shortcut: STEP 1: Press Ctrl + G to open the Go To dialog box and then select Special. STEP 2: Select Formulas for the list and click OK. All the cells containing formulas will be selected.

What is the alternative for VLOOKUP?

1) INDEX-MATCH: If you don’t have an Office 365 subscription, INDEX-MATCH is your best alternative to VLOOKUP. INDEX formula provides you with the exact location of a cell in a range. By nesting the MATCH formula in INDEX, you can replace VLOOKUP in a much more robust way.

Is N a an error in Excel?

#N/A is the error value that means “no value is available.” Use NA to mark empty cells. By entering #N/A in cells where you are missing information, you can avoid the problem of unintentionally including empty cells in your calculations.

How do I get rid of Na error in Excel?

To remove the error, we can use the IFERROR() function, which was introduced in Excel 2007. For the first argument, we use our original Vlookup function. Then we type a comma and put what we want to appear if the Vlookup function would return an error.

What can I use instead of VLOOKUP?

INDEX and MATCH works very well if your lookup data is not in the first column, or you want to look to the left of the lookup data, rather than to the right, which is all VLOOKUP can do.

How do I remove a reference in Excel?

You may want to delete the name as well, by following these steps:

  1. On the Formulas tab, in the Defined Names group, click Name Manager.
  2. In the Name Manager dialog box, click the name that you want to change.
  3. Click the name to select it.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click OK.

When to use # n / a in VLOOKUP?

In Excel, it appears #N/A when it cannot find the relative correct result by using VLOOKUP formula. But in sometimes, you want to return zero instead of #N/A when using VLOOKUP function which may make the table look much nicer. This tutorial is talking about returning zero instead of #N/A when using VLOOKUP.

What happens if there is no error in VLOOKUP?

If VLOOKUP returns a value normally, there is no error and the looked up value is returned. If VLOOKUP returns the #N/A error, IFERROR takes over and returns the value you supply. If you have a lookup value in cell A1 and lookup values in a range named table, and you want a cell to be blank if no lookup is found, you can use:

Why does VLOOKUP not return the first closest match?

VLOOKUP also assumes by default that the first column in the table array is sorted alphabetically, and suppose your table is not set up that way, VLOOKUP will return the first closest match in the table, which may not be the data you are looking for.

How to VLOOKUP to return blank or specific value instead?

Kutools for Excel ‘s Replace 0 or #N/A with Blank or a Specific Value utility helps you to return and display the blank cell or specific value if the vlookup result is 0 or #N/A value. Click to download Kutools for Excel! Kutools for Excel: with more than 300 handy Excel add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 30 days.

How do I avoid Na in VLOOKUP? VLOOKUP without #N/A error Generic formula. To hide the #N/A error that VLOOKUP throws when it can’t find a value, you can use the IFERROR function to catch the error and return any value you like. When VLOOKUP can’t find a value in a lookup table, it returns…