Category: Popular lifehacks

Does the freeze off wart remover work? Cryosurgery usually cures 50% to 70% of warts after 3 or 4 treatments. Cryotherapy can remove genital warts but it cannot cure them. Those types of warts are likely to come back. Warts on other parts of your body may or may not return. Is Freeze Away wart…

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What are enolates give examples? Deprotonation of enolizable ketones, aldehydes, and esters gives enolates. Typically enolates are generated from using lithium diisopropylamide (LDA). Often, as in conventional Claisen condensations, Mannich reactions, and aldol condensations, enolates are generated in low concentrations with alkoxide bases. What are the requirements for Enolization? Incidentally, at pH 7 enolization is…

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How many poems did Rainer Maria Rilke? 400 poems While Rilke is most known for his contributions to German literature, over 400 poems were originally written in French and dedicated to the canton of Valais in Switzerland. What is Rainer Maria Rilke known for? Rainer Maria Rilke, original name René Maria Rilke, (born Dec. 4,…

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How are bank holding companies regulated? Bank holding companies are regulated by the Federal Reserve. Banks that are not owned by holding companies are regulated primarily by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, although U.S. banking regulations are so complex and far-reaching that a total of five federal agencies are involved. What is…

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Apa itu supply chain mengapa perusahaan membutuhkan supply chain management jelaskan dengan contoh? SCM atau supply chain management adalah pengelolaan sebuah aktivitas rantai pasok untuk memaksimalkan customer value dan mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan. Pada dasarnya, manajemen rantai pasokan mengintegrasikan pengelolaan supply and demand (penawaran dan permintaan) dalam dan di seluruh perusahaan. Siapa saja yang…

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Can you survive advanced cancer? Some people may live with advanced cancer for a long time – sometimes for years. Sometimes treatment may not be able to control the spread of the cancer. Or you may not be well enough to have treatment. What are the chances of surviving advanced cancer? The five-year survival rate…

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Welche Traubensorten sind im Amarone? Amarone ist die Bezeichnung für einen trockenen Rotwein aus Venetien (Italien). Das Besondere ist, dass die Trauben aus den Sorten Corvina, Rondinella und Molinara, aus denen der Amarone entsteht, zwei bis fünf Monate auf Holzgittern oder Strohmatten unter Dach luftgetrocknet werden (Appassimento). Warum ist Amarone so teuer? Aber nicht nur…

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How long is the timer for Scribbage? THE PLAY: The first player places all 13 cubes in the cup and tosses them. (Click “Toss the cubes again”) The timer is set. (The alarm will ring after 3 minutes have elapsed.) How do you play Scribbage? The play is scored by adding the points in all…

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Does Creme of Nature dye damage hair? I have dyed my hair many different colors in the past in salons and with box dye. This is by far the best results I have ever had. Anyone who has dyed their hair before knows that it will always damage your hair. This dye damages my hair…

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How do you calculate Fixed Point Iteration? Fixed point : A point, say, s is called a fixed point if it satisfies the equation x = g(x). with some initial guess x0 is called the fixed point iterative scheme…. Exapmple 1 Find a root of cos(x) – x * exp(x) = 0 Solution Exapmple 4…

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