Can you put a concrete floor over a wood subfloor?

Can you put a concrete floor over a wood subfloor?

Subfloors for Concrete A decorative concrete flooring material can be installed over an existing concrete slab, a plywood subfloor or a 3/4-inch solid hardwood flooring. When it comes to solid wood, both strip and plank flooring are acceptable as long as they are in good condition.

Can concrete be Pour over plywood subfloor?

For example, plywood is notoriously difficult to pour over since the wood is very porous and won’t allow the concrete to settle evenly. However, concrete-like mixtures exist that mimic concrete’s appearance and durability and may provide the solution. You can pour concrete over plywood floors.

How do you remove glued floor from subfloor?

You can remove glued-down wood flooring from the subfloor or concrete by cutting the boards into more manageable pieces and pulling each free with a pry bar, chisel, hammer, or scrapers. Afterward, you have the option to either re-use the wood or dispose of the material.

Can you level a concrete floor with plywood?

If you’re installing plywood over an existing dry concrete floor, you shouldn’t have any problem. However, a new concrete floor contains a lot of moisture. So, you need to allow it to cure for at least 60 days before even bothering to check the moisture level.

Can wood be covered with concrete?

Overlaying concrete over wood floors can hide damaged boards. It also works on other surfaces, such as cracked concrete or other non-wood floorings. Because concrete is easier to maintain, customizable, and cheap, many homeowners opt to replace their outdoor flooring with it.

Does plywood stick to concrete?

Construction professionals routinely use plywood panels as shaping forms when pouring concrete for new home foundations. A do-it-yourselfer can pour concrete between 2-by-4 forms when installing a new sidewalk or patio, but for best results, pretreat the wood in the same way the pros do.

Does concrete adhere to plywood?

Plywood can easily adhere to concrete. Plywood is often used as a sub-flooring. It can be installed on top of concrete before hardwood flooring or another type of material is installed. One way to attach plywood to a concrete surface is to screw it into place with concrete fasteners.

How do you remove a glued plywood subfloor?

Pull all the exposed nails from the loose plywood. Use a hammer to drive them back through the plywood and then pull them out from the top with the hammer. Pull all remaining nails out of the floor or floor joists using a claw hammer. If the nails break off, use diagonal pliers to remove them.

What removes flooring adhesive?

How to Remover Floor Adhesive

  • Apply a generous amount of Goo Gone to the floor adhesive.
  • Let the formula soak into the adhesive for 3-5 minutes.
  • Using a putty knife, start to pull off the floor adhesive.
  • If adhesive remains, repeat 1-3.
  • Wash the area with soap and water once you are finished.

How do you attach plywood subfloor to concrete slab?

To install a floated subfloor system, first place a layer of plywood subfloor panels with the edges parallel to the wall. Use a ¾” spacer between the plywood and the wall and a 1/8” spacer between panels. Next, lay a second layer of plywood at a 45-degree angle to the first layer.

What do you put between wood and concrete?

Anyplace where wood meets the ground or concrete, the lumber must be pressure treated. For additional moisture protection, a gasket or strip of closed-cell foam can be installed between the concrete foundation and the sill plate.

Can you use concrete subfloor over wood floor?

Subfloors for Concrete A decorative concrete flooring material can be installed over an existing concrete slab, a plywood subfloor or a 3/4-inch solid hardwood flooring. When it comes to solid wood, both strip and plank flooring are acceptable as long as they are in good condition.

Is it possible to remove a concrete floor?

A concrete floor is permanent, even thin concrete overlays. It is difficult, expensive and messy to remove an interior concrete installation. It is even difficult to change the color. Some concrete stains combine and react with the minerals in the concrete mix, making them permanent. Complex projects take a long time to complete.

Which is the best way to remove hardwood flooring?

This method can be adapted for a wide range of applications; it is excellent for removing hardwood flooring, for example.

How big of a slab of concrete can I put over a wood floor?

There are concrete products that can be poured to produce 6-inch-thick slabs for house foundations as well as products for thinner installations. Thin concrete overlays, which are usually 3/8 to 1/2 inch thick, can cover existing concrete slabs or other approved subfloors, including wood.

Can you put a concrete floor over a wood subfloor? Subfloors for Concrete A decorative concrete flooring material can be installed over an existing concrete slab, a plywood subfloor or a 3/4-inch solid hardwood flooring. When it comes to solid wood, both strip and plank flooring are acceptable as long as they are in good…