How can I talk to someone at booking com?

How can I talk to someone at booking com?

The best way to contact is to call 1-888-850-3958.

What is the phone number for Expedia?

1800 229 825
You can call us at 1800 229 825.

Can I cancel my booking on booking com?

You can cancel or change your booking via’s self-service tool ‘My’ which you can access here. Please, remember to check the hotel’s cancellation policy before making any changes to your booking. Non-refundable rooms and other special deals can have a different cancellation policy.

How do I get a refund from booking com?

Cancel Your Reservation and Ask for a Refund via the Confirmation Email

  1. Look for the booking confirmation email from
  2. Scroll down until you see the Cancel your booking button.
  3. Click on it and wait for the cancellation window to open.
  4. Click on the Yes, cancel this booking button.

How do I cancel a non refundable reservation on booking com?

Even if a guest has booked a non-refundable rate, they may request to cancel this free of charge. You can use the Cancellation Fee Exceptions tool to automatically allow free cancellation if a request comes during a certain period (e.g. within 24 hours of a reservation being made).

Can I ring booking com? UK Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh and London Office 0208 612 8000. Dial the customer service telephone number 0208 612 8000 to speak to one of their customer service representatives from Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh and London office.

How do you get through to Expedia?

There are multiple ways to contact Expedia Support. However, the best toll-free number is 800-319-4834. This number is probably the best way to contact Expedia. To get a live person, press one, and then dial your itinerary number.

How do I cancel a non-refundable reservation on booking com?

How do I cancel a reservation on booking com for free?

When you book a room on, you get a confirmation email. Scroll it down till you see the green “Cancel your booking” button. Click the button and you will get to the page with the details of the booking. The cancellation window will pop-up automatically.

Can I get my money back on a non refundable hotel room?

Yes, it’s possible. “You can resell your nonrefundable hotel bookings to other people and receive a refund that way,” says Galena Stavreva, CEO of, which facilitates these room changes. She says hotels allow for changes of the name of the main guest under the reservation.

Can I get my money back on a non-refundable hotel room?

How can I talk to someone at booking com? The best way to contact is to call 1-888-850-3958. What is the phone number for Expedia? 1800 229 825 You can call us at 1800 229 825. Can I cancel my booking on booking com? You can cancel or change your booking via’s self-service…